Salesforce vs. HubSpot

September 01, 2021

Salesforce vs. HubSpot: Who's the Right Marketing Automation Champion for Your Business?

As a business owner, finding the right marketing automation platform can be overwhelming. With so many options out there, it's challenging to decide which one to choose. Today we'll be comparing two of the biggest names in the industry: Salesforce and HubSpot.

Features and Functionalities

When it comes to features and functionalities, Salesforce is known for its robust CRM capabilities. It can help businesses manage their sales pipelines, customer engagement, and forecasting through features like lead and opportunity management, customizable reports, and advanced analytics.

On the other hand, HubSpot provides users with a complete marketing automation toolbox, including robust lead generation, email marketing, social media management, content creation and optimization, and analytics to track marketing ROI.

Both platforms provide vital marketing features, yet each has a different specialty. If you need more robust CRM tools, Salesforce is the better pick, but if you're all in on inbound marketing, HubSpot is the way to go.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Businesses that require detailed sales engagement usually opt for Salesforce, while organizations that focus on digital marketing often prefer HubSpot. Each platform has its advantages and disadvantages.

For Salesforce, one of its advantages is its advanced data security features, permission settings, and access controls that allow you to control which data your employees and partners can access.

However, one disadvantage of Salesforce is its pricing. Its prices are relatively high compared to other marketing automation software.

For HubSpot, the platform's accessibility, ease of use, and all-in-one approach make it a top choice for many businesses looking to take their online marketing strategy to the next level.

Nevertheless, one disadvantage of HubSpot is that its analytics and reporting are somewhat superficial compared to Salesforce, making it challenging for businesses that require in-depth data analysis with their campaigns.


Pricing is a critical point to consider when choosing a marketing automation platform.

Salesforce's pricing starts from $25 per user per month and can go up to $300 per user per month for its highly advanced features.

On the other hand, HubSpot's pricing ranges from $50 per month to $3,200 per month, depending on the package and the features you need.

Overall, HubSpot is the more affordable option, especially for small businesses looking for a cost-effective marketing solution. But, Salesforce's higher pricing structure may be worth it for large enterprises with more complex business processes.

The Verdict

In conclusion, both marketing automation platforms offer unique capabilities and functionalities. If your business requires robust CRM tools, go for Salesforce. But if you're looking for an all-in-one inbound marketing solution, HubSpot provides a complete package of tools to help you get the job done.

As always, it's best to evaluate your organization's specific needs and budget to choose the right marketing automation software that works best for your business.

And before we end this, keep in mind that choosing the right platform is one thing, but implementing and using it effectively is a whole different story.

That's why our comparison doesn't end here. If you're interested in learning more about these two marketing automation platforms or any other marketing solution, get in touch with Flare Compare team. We've got all the information and resources you need to make the best marketing decisions.


  1. Salesforce Reviews and Pricing - 2021
  2. HubSpot Reviews and Pricing - 2021
  3. Hubspot vs Salesforce: Choosing a CRM for 2021 | The Blueprint (

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